Theta Healing and the Orion Technique were developed by Vianna Stibal, from Idaho Falls, Idaho, after she was diagnosed with Lymph Cancer by the Mayo Clinic. She has not only healed her own cancer in 1995, but has successfully worked on such medical conditions as cancer, MS, Cerebral Palsy, genetic defects, Epstein-Barr, Herpes, Aids, Hepatitis C and many other conditions by co-creating with the Creator's love.
Theta gives you a chance to integrate your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies to remove blocks that have caused them to weaken. To Gail, the healing derived from her counseling adds strength that not only may remove recurring health problems, but also can remove destructive patterns in ones life that inhibit them from their right to all forms of abundance like money, love, health and joy.
Because Gail is working with energy, she uses a variety of tools to help direct mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energy to their proper outlets. Aside from meditation , she also uses aromatherapy, essential oils, crystals, individual or group dialogue, mantras, affirmations and inner child work. Although she will recommend which tools she expects to bring the most rapid results, there are several tools for healing almost every condition. Once the root cause of the problem has been identified, the healing can be done at this level using several different methods. The interaction and participation of the client with the healing process greatly enhances the healing:the more participation, the quicker the healing!
"Traditionally, we have been treating the result of ignored emotions when we need to be treating the source," "Treating the symptoms with medication alone will only continue our need for that medication. But if we can discover the unconscious reasons we have invited this health problem into our life, then we will discover that the illness or pain is actually a metaphoric message that leads us to the source. In this way, theta can work in conjunction with traditional medicine to aid in the healing process. Medication may treat the symptoms while theta facilitates the resolution of the root conflict."
Gail has a natural ability to see through the chaos and identify the root cause of problems.
"Most of us can't see our lives with clarity because we are so deep inside it," "But our bodies are often screaming messages to us that reveal what we need to address." It is nice to know there are people like Gail who have an extraordinary gift for identifying these messages and then know how to work through them once they are identified.
Someone has shared that The Tsunami in the Indian Ocean was caused by many factors, one being all of the unresolved emotions in human consciousness. If you have not been able to manifest your desires or feel overwhelmed by negative emotion it is time for some Access Bars®or Theta. Also if you have experienced an accident recently these are caused by unresolved emotions. Core Belief work can help to prevent these types of problems from occurring.
Gail Miller is certified in this extraordinary work and is experiencing excellent results for her clients. Receive a healing in person or by phone.
Negative Programs will be removed and replaced in the following categories:
Self Love, Self Esteem, Depression, Body Image, Money, Healing and any new ones that come up during our sessions. You will feel better!!!