Manifesting a Vision

Update-July 2010  

Please see my blog for the latest information on the Healing and Transformation Center-

The Center for Healing and Transformation

October 2008

Over the summer I have been materializing a business concept for a very large healing and educational center to be in this area (SE Michigan-NE Detroit suburbs). I am very excited to see this coming into being. This project represents to me the beginning of my life's work, the real reason for my incarnation. I would have to say that I am very passionate about this project and it is my "baby"!  In that light, I channeled the vision and mission statement for this center earlier this year. I also wrote nineteen Points of Culture that we will operate under (all this with the help of the angels!).

When I was finished writing/channeling - I was very emotional and really excited - it really felt like a "birth"!  This is why I say this is my baby.

 I work and communicate with very highly evolved beings on the other side. Mostly, it is several Archangels that are helping me with this project. However, there actually are many hundreds of angels and helpers assigned to this project. They guide me and direct me, so it is easy to know what to do next. 

What they are saying now is that the time is nearing for this creation to come into form and it is important to write about it to let others know of it who may want to participate. I have many helpers in the non-physical but it is time now to begin seeing those who are here in the physical to show up and play their part in this creation.
To give you an idea of the size and scope of this project, the facility is envisioned to be more like a mini-university with several buildings. I have a Business Concept document written to hold the vision as requested by the Archangels.
This center is being created specifically to support the awakening of the masses that will happen as a direct result of a global reorganization that is very soon to occur. 
So that you know something about me and who I am, here is the bio from my website:
(Crystal Gail is my nickname)
Crystal Gail has been attuned and certified in 'The Reconnective Healings' by Dr. Eric Pearl.  She is offering sessions as a healing practitioner of "The Reconnective Healings" as talked about in "The Keys of Enoch" and Dr. Eric Pearl's book "The Reconnection".  These frequencies have continued to baffle the medical community since their introduction in 1993.  Hospitals and universities across the country are investing time and money in an attempt to explain them.  Eric Pearl has passed his gift on to many who have become proficient in their own right. Crystal Gail now brings this extraordinary gift to the Metropolitan Detroit area.  These frequencies will take us to the next level in our evolution!

Crystal Gail learned Reiki from a master and also studied the use of sound for healing in Albuquerque.  During her many years on the spiritual path she studied numerology, self-hypnosis, meditation, working with the angels, and channeling.

Crystal Gail was certified in Theta Healing, in late 2004,  a powerful 7th dimension healing technique. A wonderful gift from the Creator that allows working with Core Beliefs and eliminating those subconscious programs that have been blocking us for eons.  Can virtually eliminate physical, mental and emotional debris from your matrix.  Have you been experiencing any challenges lately??  My spiritual teacher says that the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean was caused by several factors, one being all of our unresolved emotions.  Consider helping to heal the planet and make a phone appointment if you live at a distance or come in person. 
From 2003-2007 I have been working closely with the Ascended Masters , studying the I AM DISCOURSES and meditating, invoking and communicating with the Masters.  After going on spiritual pilgrimage , I was awakened most fully to my divine purpose and began teaching a Mystery School. 
I am a teacher on the 6th Ray of Peace, Ministration and Service and came here to help awaken, teach, minister to and help the people and the planet thru this great awakening in Consciousness!  Please contact me if you would like to attend my Meditation or Conscious Creation/Law of Attraction Classes if you live in the Greater Detroit area.
I have worked the entire Administrative spectrum in my 20 some years in the corporate world as well. 
To reach Gail for information, click on Contact Us or call her at 586-264-5457.
So, now that you know me a little, I want to really put out there that participants in this project really be aligned and creating from the heart. You are passionate about life, love people and have great communication skills.   No room for ego here as the project will only succeed within the scope of oneness (unconditional love) and what is written in the Vision and Mission statement. So, if this is you, please read on and review the statements! 
Understand that these are not "jobs" that I am proposing to fill (at this time). Just want to know if this project is something you would be passionate about and where you might be able to be of service.
 I am really looking for financial and management staff resources to help me get this up and running when given the high
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Manifesting a Vision
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