Seven Steps to Effective Prayer

I release all of my past, negatives, fears, human relationships,
self-image, future, and human desires to the Light.

I am a Being of Light.

I radiate the Light from my Light Center throughout my being.

I radiate the Light from my Light Center to everyone.

I radiate the Light from my Light Center to everything.

I am in a bubble of Light and only the Light can come to me
and only the Light can be here.

Thank you God for everyone, for everything, and for me.

Practice this prayer effectively...

The Effective Prayer will change your life. Use the prayer upon rising and before going to bed for 15 minutes each time. You are encouraged to use this prayer within the structure of your own beliefs, to promote peace and unity among all people. If you would like a free CD that further explains the Effective Prayer, contact the Light Center.

True inner prayer is like an abundant stream.............

Leona Griffith

In doing the seven steps of Effective Prayer, it should be remembered, when we say "I release ..." or "I radiate ..." that this "I" is the "I" of the Divine within us. It is not so much something that we are doing but rather something that we are allowing the Divine to manifest and do through us. This "I" is what Jesus spoke of when he said "I of myself can do nothing. It is the Father within that doeth the works". This "I" then is sacred and holy - the Father within. It is something that we open up to. Realize and allow this "I", the Divinity within you, to say "I release ..." and "I radiate ..." and your prayers will no longer be a thing of mental effort or striving; rather will they be an expression of spiritual being - Joy and Peace and effortless effort.

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